Fuji ®Fubrax

Fuji ®Fubrax

Fuji Kiku Fubrax is a mutation of the virus-free clonal selection Kiku 8 Brak and it is characterized by superior organoleptic properties in addition to a more intense red color with streaks on the entire surface. The amount of color coverage of the fruits is also greater than that of Kiku 8 Brak, even when the fruits are in shade, in the area of the orchard with less sun exposure during the vegetation period. The fruits are large and same in size; they are red with streaks, crispy, succulent, aromatic in taste and high in sugar. This cultivar is characterized by high productivity and abundant yields.

It is suitable for longer storage periods. It is self-sterile, therefore Gala, Golden Delicious, Idared, Proffesor Sprenger and Granny Smith serve as good pollinators.

It ripens in the middle of October.

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